Hello And Welcome to Kitchen Julie
My name is Julija, a Lithuanian model turned food blogger and this is my foodie playground. If I had to describe what Kitchen Julie is about, happy food and everything it stands for would fit the right spot. Happy food is nutritious, wholesome and delicious. It’s the kind of food that leaves you satisfied in the best possible sense. Food that nourishes your body and your soul. Quality food brings people together. To share thoughts, ideas, to create and to experience. It’s a synonym of an abundant life and that’s exactly what I aim to celebrate here.
A glimpse into my life lately
As it’s only been a short while since the launch of my new website, I think I owe you an introduction. After all, a lot has changed lately, thus I feel like you may no longer (or not yet) know me. The past few years were an emotional roller-coaster for me. Amongst various personal changes, I found myself entangled in a serious argument with the publishing house in Lithuania which had published my first ever cookbook back in 2021. I went through a painful experience of manipulations and eventually watched the publishing house face a dead end. Instead of celebrating my first book, I was chasing pay checks and trying to undo all of their lies to maintain the reputation of my brand.

This situation affected me in the most negative ways, both emotionally and financially. My credibility was questioned. My book was suddenly gone off the shelves. I was unable to inform the KJ community about what was happening as I was involved in legal processes. Silence was the only viable option as my lawyer tried to negotiate the best possible scenario. I was lost and confused. The publisher eventually went bankrupt in June 2023 with a total debt reaching half a million euros.
After endless negotiations, my lawyer managed to get the full rights of the KitchenJulie book back to me so I could publish an edition on my own. Within the next few months, my book was in the printing house and it became available to the public soon afterwards. It felt like the beginning of a new era. One door had shut, but another one opened and this time I am more than ready to explore what the world has in store for Kitchen Julie and everything it represents.
Some facts about me (you might want to know, but most probably won’t benefit from)
I was born and raised in Vilnius, Lithuania. That is also where I currently reside.
If you Google, you will find me easiest under Julija Steponavičiūtė or Julija Step (my modeling stage name), even though I recently took my husband’s last name and am currently known as Julija Vosylė.
I have an orange cat. His name is Alexander, but we call him Sasha. He used to be a stray cat, but in the last 4 years he became very comfortable with his new royal lifestyle and we don’t judge him. You might have seen him on one of my social media channels.
Although I still travel for modeling jobs occasionally, the majority of my time is dedicated to Kitchen Julie.
I do not follow any restrictions when it comes to food, but I do aim for a wholesome and nutritious diet. No matter what I eat, it has to be, what I call, happy food.
I am a sucker for nature, but I have a weakness for all things design. Interior, clothing, cars, you name it.
I work out regularly, be it yoga, pilates, or a session at the gym with my trainer. Sports became a part of my routine as my modeling career took off on full speed. I used to workout with a personal trainer in New York where I’d spend at least a few months every year and London, which is where I resided back in the day. That’s how this important habit was formed.
I care deeply about my health and would rather go easy on my workload than sacrifice my sleep.
I film, photograph and edit everything you see here and on my social media channels myself. I still am a one (wo)man team although I am thinking of expanding my team in the near future.
The most important thing is that I wake up feeling grateful for the opportunity to lead a beautiful and abundant life. I am very glad that you are a part of it.

I wrote this entry with the hope of it being a short little introduction, something you can paint a picture with of the face behind the Kitchen Julie blog. If you can relate, you should probably visit my instagram page, so we can hang, so to speak.
If you read something you can relate to, I invite you to take a look in my social channels and follow me on Instagram and TikTok. You can also register for my newsletter in the footer (bottom of the page) of any page of this website.
You will find most of the useful information in the recipes (archive of my recipes with cooking instructions), blog (this is where I share my thoughts and personal experience on topics such as lifestyle, travel and food) and shop (this is where you can find and purchase my merch) sections of my website.
I’ll be more than grateful if you can share your thoughts in the comments section of any recipe or blog post you find interesting (or not) and rate it according to your point of view. This will help me understand what type of content works best and which topics I should focus on. I can see and will be reading all of your responses, thus it is a powerful tool to connect and discuss something directly with me. I’d love to get to know you better.
Thank you for visiting. Lots of love.
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